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Павел Коцур


Кубок Акима Павлодарской области

Cup of Akim Pavlodar region

                                                                                                 Tournament regulation


International chess tournament

"Cup of Akim of Pavlodar region"




Competitions are held in Pavlodar January 27 (day of arrival) to 31 January (day of departure) 2015 round-robin tournament with 10 participants.

Competitions are held in the House of Friendship at the Pavlodar region Pavlodar, st. May 1, 35/1.

Game days 28- 30 January 2015

2. Tournament system. Time control.


The tournament is held in round robin system in 9 rounds.

Time control 15 minutes  for the rest of the game with an addition of 10 seconds per move starting from move one.. Competitions are held according to the rules of FIDE.


3. Participation in the tournament.


The tournament was attended by world champion, Europe, Africa, Australia, America, Asia, , Africa .


4 places in the tournament provided by the decision of the Chess Federation of Pavlodar region.


4. Prizes.

The prize fund of the tournament is 3 000 000 tenge

Set in the tournament following prizes:


1st place - 1 000 000 tenge

2nd place - 600 000 tenge

3rd place - 400 000 tenge

4 place - 200 000 tenge

5th place - 180 000 tenge

6th place - 160 000 tenge

7th place - 140 000 tenge

8th place - 120 000 tenge

9 place - 100 000 tenge

10 place - 100 000 tenge

$ 1 - 184 tenge

Prizes are not shared

If two or more players share the same place


2.Number of games won

3.Direct encounter


Contact addresses of the organizers:


Alexander V. Babenko

President of the Chess Federation of + 7 7777772022  email: babenko_al@yahoo.com

Pavlodar region


Kotsur Pavel,

Senior coach Pavlodar region +7 707 1996747  email: 345965@mail.ru



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