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Regulations "Pavlodar-open 2015"

Regulations "Pavlodar-open 2015"


"Pavlodar-open 2015"

06 -16 December 2015


1 .     Terms and venue.

Competitions are held in Pavlodar from 06 December (day of arrival) to 16 December (day of departure) 2015 tournament  in the Swiss system, 10 rounds. Competitions are held in KGKP "DYuSSh№3" to the address Kazakhstan ,Pavlodar, Estaya St., 83.

2 .     Tournament system. Time control.

The tournament is held  according  to the Swiss system 10 rounds.

Time control: 90 minutes for 40 moves plus 30 minutes before the end of the game with the addition of 30 seconds per move starting from the first. Competitions are held according to the rules of FIDE

3. Schedule of rounds:

December 6 Arrival of participants

December 7 Registration of participants 10-00

December 7   Opening ceremony. Round 1 15-00

 December 8          Round  2   10-00

December 8            Round 3    17-00

December 9              Round 4   16-00

December 10             Round 5   16-00

December 11              Round 6   16-00

December 12             Day of rest

December 13             Round 7    16-00

December 14              Round  8  16-00

December 15              Round  9   16-00

December 16             Round  10   10-00

December 16 closing ceremony.

Awarding of the winners 17-00

The schedule of rounds can be corrected by a arbiters board.

Due to the participation of 20 foreigners and 15-20 GMs, in  the tournament,  IM and GM  norms will be established automatically.

4 .  Tournament fee.

Rating  ELO  2400 and above -                         free

 Rating ELO 2300-2399                                       7 000 tenge

Rating ELO  2200-2299                                       10 000 tenge

Rating ELO  2100-2199                                       15 000 tenge

 Rating ELO  2000-2099                                     20 000 tenge

Rating  ELO Under 2000                                     25 000 tenge

 Without ELO                                                        30 000 tenge

1$=280 tenge

 5 . Prizes

The prize fund, is provided by Kazakhstan Chess Federation.

In Tournament the following prizes :

1 place -600.000 tenge    (2150 $)

2 place - 450.000 tenge

3 place – 350.000 tenge

4 place – 250.000 tenge

5 place – 150.000 tenge

6 place – 120.000 tenge

7 place – 100.000 tenge

8 place – 80.000 tenge

9 place – 60.000 tenge

10 place – 40.000 tenge

11-15 place – 30.000 tenge

Prizes in additional categories:

1 . To the best chess player of the Pavlodar region:

1 place – 50 000 tenge

2 place – 30 000 tenge

3 place – 20 000 tenge

2 . For chess players with ELO rating:

Under  2300

1 place of-50.000 tenge

2 place - 30.000 tenge

3 place – 20.000 tenge

Under  2100

1 place of-50.000 tenge

2 place - 30.000 tenge

3 place – 20.000 tenge

3 . Women:

1 place – 100.000 tenge

2 place – 70.000 tenge

3 place – 50.000 tenge

4 place – 30.000 tenge

5 place – 20.000 tenge

4 . Under 16:

1 place – 50.000 tenges

2 place – 30.000 tenges

3 place – 20.000 tenge

5 . Seniors:

1 place – 50.000 tenge

2 place – 30.000 tenge

3 place – 20.000 tenge

Prizes share on Gort's system, per customer aren't provided more than one prize.

From prizes will be withheld taxes according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (10%).

1$  = 300 tenge


General sponsor of the tournament – Academic Shahmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation: http://eng.yessenovfoundation.org/






6 .  Information


The official site of the tournament:  http://profchess.kz/


Pavlodar Airport receives flights from Moscow, Astana, Almaty: http://www.airport.pvl.kz/

The nearest major international airport in Astana (400 kilometers).

The cost of accommodation in hotels Pavlodar: 5000-15000 tenge per day: http://www.apartamenty.kz/en/search.html


The average temperature in December: -15* Celsius


The standard voltage 220 Volts. Primary Socket Type: Europlug.


 Contact addresses of organizers:

 GM, IA  Kotsur Pavel ,

Head coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 mobile: +7 777 1996747    email: 345965@mail.ru

IM, FA Egorov Evgeny ,

Executive Secretary of the Kazakhstan Chess Federation

mobile:    + 7 705 1122335;   email: egorpavl@mail.ru

 The present regulations are the invitation to competition  







Pavlodar Open 2015

Registration form



FIDE ID:                 



Date of birth :                   






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